Saturday, November 28, 2009

Comments: Capital Punishment: Is it enough?

This is a comment on the blog article, Capital Punishment: Is it enough? that was posted on the blog "Mulling with Mary", November 2, 2009.

People have different opinions on the death penalty. Many people change their view depending on the circumstances of individual cases, and their relationship to the victims.

I think that when a criminal is found guilty of a capital crime, there should be options for the family of the victim to decide the penalty. The idea being that if a criminal takes a life, then the family of the victim owns the life of that criminal. If the family sees a reason to spare the life of the criminal then it should be their option. It should also be their option to choose the death penalty and the method of the execution.

As far as the appeals process, society should not focus on expediting the appeals process. Convicted criminals should have every opportunity to prove their innocence before they are executed.

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